Feathers and Wings

Well – the wheels fell off my blogging cart – again. Blame ongoing computer issues. (Turns out replacement Mac parts aren’t actually new – just refurbished. And my replacement logicboard was faulty, so another stint in the repair shop.) And another fall… I’d only been out of the collarbone sling for 2wks!🤦‍♀️ No breaks this time, but I scored a whole lot of other bumps and bruises. And, alas, the shoulder still isn’t doing all that it ought… Needless to say I’ve been so far behind with everything. And a tad overwhelmed. But I’m getting there! And I have even managed to squeeze in some writing time. Which was a relief! (At last!!) I’ve delved into a new verse novel project, completed a rhyming non-fiction picture book draft, polished an older PB, and prepped for upcoming workshops. Which wow – I hadn’t realised I’d actually managed all that. I’m encouraged!

For today, I want to share this poem I ‘wrote’ for precious friends as a farewell gift last month. Perhaps there are others who will be encouraged or comforted by these assurances. (I know I’ve been carried on eagle wings and sheltered by feathers in recent months, and I’ve been so thankful for God’s love and presence.)

The trimeric is the perfect poetry form for digging into Bible promises. If you’re intrigued by the gently unfolding trimeric form, you can read more here. And you’ll find my ‘Fear Not‘ meerkat trimeric here.

Thank-you to the lovely Carol who is hosting Poetry Friday this week at Beyond LiteracyLink.


  1. Yikes, Kat! You’ve had a lot going on. I’m so sorry for the slew of injuries and even more impressed by the list of accomplishments. The trimeric form reminds me a bit of the cascade I attempted recently. I love how it “gently unfolds.” Take care!!!

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  2. Wow Kat you have got a lot happening. I am sorry you are still in pain – and that you’ve had another fall. Go gently. I had not heard of the trimeric before, but I loved yours and also learning how the form works. Thank you.

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    • I quite like the trimeric form and think I’ll have to write anotherie, Sally. I’m also intrigued by Molly’s cascade. (And yes, taking things gently for a little while and giving joints and tendons time to heal, too.)


  3. Ruth’s word for the year is “feather,” so I hope she doesn’t miss your post. “Refuge” is a delightful word and concept. I’m so sorry about your unfortunate incidents (personal and computer). Maybe you should stop entering trapeze contests for a little while…

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  4. Goodness, Kat – ‘resilient’ is the word that comes to mind! Wishing you continued healing, and good for you for getting creative work done in the midst of all these recent challenges. Thanks for sharing your beautiful poem – and for introducing me to a form I didn’t know! (Gentle) hugs from here…

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  5. Yikes, I’m sorry for every mishap (misstep?) that has happened recently, and proud for you that you still managed all of that work. “Soar like an eagle”, yes! Best wishes for better in the coming days!

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  6. This poem is beautiful. I hope writing it brought you as much comfort as reading it did for me. Oh my, you have had a time of it. I hope all those bangs and bruises heal quickly.


  7. Amen! I’m so sorry you’ve had more tales of woe and being in tip top shape. It all sounds very frustrating. But, your poem is a bit of inspiration that helps–really helps. Thanks, Kat!


  8. You have a lot on your plate. I do love learning a new form. This trimeric form is similar to the cascade poems we wrote with the #poetrypals last month. I seek the comfort of God’s grace. This poem is a beautifully crafted gift of praise.


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