Poetry Swap – from Jone & Ruth

Hi all. Fridays fly around pretty quickly these days! I’ve missed a couple – again!! I hope you’re all keeping safe and sweet; giving and receiving kindness.

Talking about kindness… Today I’m sharing some treasures I received as a part of Tabatha’s Poetry Swap. It’s so generous of Tabatha Yeatts to organise these for us – and a joy to receive them!

Thank-you Jone for this zentangle poem, taken from Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Villette. Doesn’t it look amazing! Setting a new standard for zentangle artwork, right there! I especially love the lines; waiting waters stir your heart’.

Zentangle Poem by Jone Rush MacCulloch

Ruth Hersey and I were paired up to swap with each other for Swap#2. 🙂 Here is her collection, all poems by Ruth, inspired by my interview in The Book Curator, May 2017. (However did you find it online, Ruth?)

1) A golden shovel from my comment about the words in a verse novel; ‘it’s almost like they’re buffed and polished and warmed to a golden glow’.


The words of the poem shine; together, it’s
a necklace, almost
a collection of crown jewels; like
treasures of great value, they’re
lovingly cared for, buffed
with a soft cloth and
burnished, rubbed, polished,
made ever more lovely and
then worn to a party, warmed
by the neck they encircle, to
sparkle in the perfect setting, a
hand-made ornament, glimmering golden,
effulgent, a radiant glow.

How lovely is; ‘to be warmed by the neck they encircle’?

2) A treasure twice gifted – another golden shovel, with the strikeline from something a little boy said to me, when I said I can’t draw. “But you can! >>>

Love Language

I love your
personalized words
to me better than any gift you could make
or buy, better than anything is the
way they fill my head with pictures

3) And a pair of senryu inspired by my answer (which Ruth could relate to!) to a question about how teaching has helped and/or hindered my writing.

The ideas

Students fill each day
With live action, laughter, tears,
Endless ideas


Hard to leave behind
At the end of the school day:
Students fill your head.

I especially like the first and last line connection between the two senryu. It is always about the kids!

Thank-you Tabatha, for again organising the swap, and Jone and Ruth for your poetry gifts. They are appreciated!

Karen’s Got a Blog – and today she’s hosting us for Poetry Friday! Pop on over to see what poetry goodness abounds in our world.

Stay safe. And kind.💕


  1. Jone’s zentangle is beautiful! Wow! And Ruth made you quite an impressive collection. Some of my favorite lines include “warmed by the neck they encircle, to sparkle in the perfect setting” and “Students fill your head.” Love these swaps! ♥️


  2. What a wonderful collection. The Zentangle is really gorgeous, both the poem and the art. It’s an interesting form. I tried one recently and thought it would be very helpful to be able to draw well. 😉


  3. Both thought-filled and beautifully fitting you, Kat. The swap is a gem & I was too committed elsewhere this summer to do it. Jone & Ruth have made smiles with their gifts, for you and for all of us who get to read & see them, too.


  4. Kat, oh, it’s so good to see your blog. Missed a couple weeks? Don’t worry. Everything in between is material for new writing. I just love that zentangle poem at the top of the page. And Ruth really outdid herself. Golden shovels and a pair of senryu….all from your original spark. This is such a treat. My family is well here in the US. Most of us spent the day driving to Florida and are now with parents. It’s good to see them after such a long time away. We’re being careful, wearing masks in public and washing our hands. Take care, you.


  5. Hello Kat! Look at the lovely gifts of poetry you have. Jone’s zentangle art is enviable. I love “waiting waters stir you heart.” When someone creates a golden shovel of your own quote, it’s such a compliment to your words. Ah, the idea of a poem being jewels you could wear. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Kat, your mailbox has been filled with such treasures and all of them with an initial spark of inspiration from you. Jone’s Zentangle (your Poetry Pep Up prompt) is beautiful and I love that Ruth found words in your interview to write her beautiful series of poems. I’m especially loving “Words” and that line “warmed
    by the neck they encircle” ahhhh….one I wish I’d thought to write! Enjoy your poetry gifts and thanks for sparking creativity in all of us!


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