PoETry Friday – #petpicpoem

Welcome! Yes – Poetry Friday is coming to you from Downunder, again. While you have come to share your Poetry Friday links I thought I would share pics and poems of my pets. We are down to five pets in this house; one cat and four snails. (It’s the first time in more than 10 years that we haven’t had guinea pigs.) Hubby keeps telling me, no more pets. But the snails slipped under his radar – and they are the easiest pets! (And besides – they’re a writing resource!😹)

Why snails? We don’t get snails at our house. In years past, the boys always rescued them in their hoards from the side of the road, during flood season. They were like living treasure. But I didn’t know you could keep a snail for a pet… until I wrote one into Too Many Friends (UQP 2017). (For sure, we’d have had pet snails before this, if I’d known!)


Last year I wrote a companion verse novel to Too Mandy Friends, (due March 2022) telling Lucy’s story. Since Snail is a big part of Lucy’s story, I had to learn more about snails – and especially, keeping snails as pets. In April I was helping my hubby extract a bogged buggy… and there were snails everywhere on the creek bank. Like, thousands! I was astounded. I very nearly brought one home with me… and later regretted that I hadn’t, because when I dived into edits on Lucy’s verse novel, I’d been asked to include more details about Snail! Two nights later we were going for a ride (🚴‍♀️), and I spied some smaller snails at our grid – much more suited for pet snails. I found one with similar colouration to Snail. Thing1 and Thing2 were so-named, because they were of a similar (smaller) size. And then there was Tiny. Smaller than a pea! (Clearly T1 and T2 are different types of snails, because they are no longer a similar size. T1 (and Snail) have grown heaps, and T2 (and Tiny) have not. (Tiny is still smaller than a pea.💚)


T2 is also less adventurous than the other three – which is why he missed a ride on the snail train that they got going on a recent rainy day… 


And then we have SavvyCat. And another ‘moving’ poem (or two) inspired by a pic I took on a walk to the mailbox last week. If ever a picture speaks a thousand words, it’s this! Savvy was a reluctant participant in this walk – though he came, on his own accord. Every photo captured his disgruntled face and twitching tail.

When we got to the letterbox and he heard the cars whizzing past on the road, he found his quick-sticks and led the way home again for atleast 100metres. (Then lagged and nagged for the next 900m.😹)

Do you poeticise your pets? They’re wonderful inspiration. Handy photography subjects, too. And we know them, so well!


If you’re at home for lockdown (and even if you’re not!) you can capture your pet in picture and poetry. You don’t need any special editing programs. This is just done in Word.

  1. Open a blank Word document.
  2. Insert your pet picture.
  3. Insert a text box. (You may need to right-click and Wrap Text > In Front of Text.)
  4. Write your poem in the text box and format it so it is easy to read.
  5. When you’re happy with your layout, snap a screenshot.
  6. If you can share it on Instagram, use the hashtag #petpicpoem – and feel free to tag me; @Kat.Apel.

It’s that easy! (Your #petpicpoem would also look fabulous printed on canvas, on your wall! #justsayin) If you don’t have a pet – you could poeticise a backyard/balcony bird, or a lounge lizard. Even a bug!

If you’re wanting some more poetry inspiration, join us on the Poetry Friday rounds by clicking the link below. If for some reason the linky isn’t working (It has been clashing with my WordPress blocks (Aren’t we all!🤦‍♀️)) then this link should get you across. InLinkz Poetry Friday Link-up

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Pingback: Poetry Friday: RIP Uncle Bob – A(nother) Year of Reading

  2. Pingback: Poetry Friday—Calm & Watercolor | Michelle Kogan Illustration, Painting, & Writing

  3. Wonderful pet-acular post Kat! Loved hearing about the snails, and that a snail continued in your next book. I worked on an illustration of a snail in a race a long time ago, and became very familiar with snail anatomy… Your mood-driven cat seems to provide a bevy of writing material, perhaps a story is there—love your “PETulant” poem, titled so appropriately. Thanks for hosting the roundup!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love this post, especially the cat poems, which I must say have purr-fect attitude! I have little experience with snails, although I admit that I have eaten them. The idea repels me at the moment, but it turns out that garlic and butter make many life forms delectable. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pets- conventional and unconventional Kat. An unexpected menagerie. Short pithy poems and rich images have come together in a pet purrfect way. I thought I’d just ‘slide’ that one in. Thanks for hosting. It seems so early in the day…

    Liked by 1 person

    • For a moment (or three) there I thought InLinkz and WordPress wouldn’t let me get this party started, late or early. But all is well. So glad you could slide your wordplay into the round-up, Alan.


  6. Thank you for hosting PF today! I’m not new to PF but my blog is a new one and I’m back after a hiatus. I love your idea to “poeticise your pets!” I’m going to give it a go!


  7. Kat, what a fun post! I love the #petpicpoem campaign you are beginning. Those snails are fascinating. Who knew, indeed? I wouldn’t have thought they would be so active. The photos are great–of snails and cats. So much wonderful writing…my favorite is PETulant and the lovely rhyming and two voices talking. Thank you for hosting today.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love the voice of your speaker in “Snail’s Pace,” Kat…and these #petpicpoems are just perfect for children and animal lovers to read and write too. If you haven’t read THE SOUND OF A WILD SNAIL EATING, by Elisabeth Tova Bailey, I think you might really enjoy it. Thank you for having us at your place this week! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: Poetry Friday: Celebrating a library re-opening with “The Dirt Book” – Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme

  10. Love your pet poems, Kat! We also have a PETulant cat, so I can relate. 🙂 My eldest daughter has always been fascinated by snails and she recently read The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey. Have you read it? She loved it and highly recommends it. Thanks for hosting today!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Poetry Friday: Mushrooms – Reading to the Core

  12. Thanks for hosting. I haven’t even written a post yet. I’m in full on summer lazy mode. I love your snails. We have snails here aplenty. Never thought of keeping one as a pet, but hey, why not? Your cat has a ‘tude worth writing about.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Dear Kat, how much do I love that you have pet snails?! Love that disgruntled cat too. 🙂 Yes, I have SNAIL’S ARK coming next February… how did the snail get onto the ark? Well, your snail train offers a clue… happy that we share snails and poetry and “do more with less.” xo

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  14. Pingback: Poetry Friday: Thunder on the Green Horizon | Mar de Meditaciones

  15. Thank you for hosting this week, Kat. I love your petpicpoems! SavvyCat reminds me of my beloved Noodles, who was also very much in charge. I never thought about having snails as pets, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. Amy LVW is right about THE SOUND OF A WILD SNAIL EATING. Don’t miss it!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Poetry Friday: Zentangle Poems | Reflections on the Teche

  17. Rather a bit late to the Poetry Friday Roundup but we have an unwanted boarder or two at my house: field mice. New house jitters-I have been sweeping, disinfecting, and fretting for two days. All along, I was longing to get to my desk to calm down. Thanks for the opportunity to write, Kat. While the field mice are not, nor will be my pets, I do so appreciate your look into yours. Your books sound wonderful for elementary children and I love your petulant cat poem. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for hosting. Once again, please excuse my lateness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Never too late, Carol! You’ll be pleased to know, our Savvy was on his mettle yesterday, snapping up a mouse – whilst performing a backflip in the process! Hoping you get some time at your desk. Maybe those field mice will work their way into a calming poem…


  18. Pingback: Poetry Friday – Dragons and Treasures – Sloth Reads

  19. I love that you have snails! We had a few aquatic ones at one point. They are fascinating. Thanks for the challenge–I had fun finding a pet pic to write about. Thanks for hosting!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Thanks for hosting! Great pictures. Not going to lie I’m grossed out by snails but your post has me rethinking them. I have not read but I will second the recommendation for the book, The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating. It’s on my to be read list but where is the time? right. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Snails are fascinating! So sleek and smooth – though yes, the slime is a little gross. But it’s also the reason for the magical glide. I listened to a video about The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating – and they had recorded (and included!) the sound of a snail eating. It was quite crunchy. And not at all expected.

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  21. Kat! I love this post. It’s so kid-friendly…and I still feel like a kid. I have to admit the cat poem and pic combination is my favorite…that scowl on the cat is so perfect! Ha! And, what a great couple of poems to tie into your newest books. I’ve never considered snails as pets…but I loved them for the character in the book. A snail was perfect for a girl to confide in. I’m looking forward to the next companion book!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Big kid lives here, too, Linda. And you’ll be thrilled to know that I saw colour illustrations for cover art for Lucy’s story. And Lucy is tug-your-heartstrings scruffy-gorgeous. Thank-you, thank-you, for being that generous and supportive honest friend, right when I needed it. xx


  22. What a lovely post. Snails don’t enchant me, but your post made me a little less icked out by them. Love your cat–he is fierce! I wrote a number of poems about our late beagle, Jackie. Here’s my favorite and least sentimental–a zeno:

    Dog on the Job

    Captain Jack, our beagle mailman,
    leaves pee-mails on
    He sniffs each post,
    his leg, and marks
    each mail-

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Pingback: Welcome, Panther — a Tangled Poem #PoetryFriday

  24. Pingback: Speedy Snails! « Kathryn Apel

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