More Poetry Pics

Hi all. I’m popping in to share the some more #PoeTryHope and #WaterPoemProject with you. Not such a busy week of poetry this week – but lots of other busy productivity instead.

Click pic to see originals in Instagram.

I started #PoeTryHope because I needed to remind myself to focus on joy – not fear. I can’t tell you how glad I was to have poetry to draw my mind away from the doom and gloom of recent events, and spark joyful creativity. Now that I have my mojo back, and so many other things needing my attention, I’ve set the daily challenge aside. Alas, I realised after I stopped that I was one poem short of a neat instagram row! Messing with my head! (Fortunately, I had the royal spoonbill from my #WaterPoemPrompt collection to fill the gap for this post! Though he’s not on my actual Insta page – just on Twitter.) To see larger versions of the poems, or to read the backstory, click on the picture and you’ll go direct to my Instagram page.

For teachers looking for worthwhile ways to engage classes (across a range of grade levels!) I recommend Laura’s #WaterPoemProject – with wonderful daily prompts – for kids and adults. You can start at any time. The links are all on Laura’s blog.

Also, feel free to check out the resources on my blog, including this Didactic Cinquain activity, which is currently proving popular around the world. Plan is to add more resources to assist teachers (and parents) in providing independent writing activities.

Heads-up! There are new writing prompts on the blog.

Finally – I’ve just this moment realised that the Progressive Poem has kicked off for another year. (Phew! So glad I wasn’t in the first three days or I’d have missed my turn and muffed it for everyone!!😅) You can find the schedule in the side bar of Reflections on the Tech. Pop back here for my contribution on 13th April.

Heidi is hosting PoetryFriday this week at myjuicylittleuniverse, and her post is themed, Shelter in Poetry. I did. Hoping you find comfort there, too.

Continue to take care during these challenging times. I am especially mindful of my American friends and am praying for you all! Stay home and stay safe! xx


  1. Oh, that sassy (cheeky?) Curlew. Made me laugh. And, it made me giggle that you needed to have a balanced row of poetry. I get it! I have been responding to daily challenges as they too bring me joy. I find that sometimes, what I write has to do with Covid-19….but more so, it’s something of an escape from it. Thank goodness for poetry. Today is an exception. I have written an “opposite” poem about a doctor here in the US that is working on a vaccine to Covid-19. Thanks for the joy, Kat. Even though we are literally oceans apart, I so enjoy seeing your word play and poetry online. Stay well, friend.

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    • I saw your opposite poem and loved it! The crazy thing about now is that, even though we’re at opposite shores of the ocean, opposite seasons, and day/night… we are all experiencing COVID19. It’s strangely comforting, during these bizarre times. Take care, lovely! And keep sharing your joy!


    • That was the hardest one to write, Tabatha! (It had to incorporate a sense of taste – and that was tricky for me.) But I do like the finished poem. And I’d share my generous slice with you!💕 Virtual hugs.


  2. I’ve loved seeing your pics & poetry on Instagram, wonder if I am following you on twitter because I did miss that wonderful one about the spoonbill. There seems to be a few on the island where we go, but sadly I’ve still never spotted one. Glad you are fine and keeping stable with writing. Best wishes for more goodness in your life right now.

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    • I think that your instagram has taught me that it snows a lot in Denver! I’m always saying to my hubby – “Can you believe it is still snowing in Denver?!’. (And is this even normal?) Either way, I do enjoy our connection, both through PoetryFriday, and through Insta. Take care of you, Linda!

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    • Yay! I’m so glad, Leigh Anne. To really make tight connections and wordplay across the three lines is sometimes trickier than it looks – but fun trying! (And rewarding when you nail it!)


  3. Hope is an admirable pursuit in these times. Have been noticing your short verses on Instagram as well. You have employed rhyme and reason in most effective ways Kat. More power to you as we collectively deal with a demonstrably altered global landscape.

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  4. Thank you for these splashes of joy! I love the duck slicing a piece of pond for you. I will think of it when I look out the window at our pond. Stay safe!

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  5. How wonderful that you were able to use poetry to pull you out of that dark place, Kat. I enjoyed reading your Water Poem prompt, but haven’t gotten around to responding to any of those prompts. I *have* been writing, though, so I consider that a win!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Any writing is a win, Michelle! And the great thing about the poetry prompts is that they are there whenever you can dip into them. (Which is really wonderful for school groups, too!)


    • And thanks to you and all the teachers for all that you’re doing in this rapidly drastically changing landscape! Take care of yourselves as well as you’re taking care of classes!


  6. Your poems made me smile! I think we’re all trying to adjust and poetry has been a great help to me as well. Thank you for sharing these!


  7. Kat, your stream of InstaPoems give me good reasons to #TryHope and also to laugh. Keep it flowing and if I don’t ❤ you on Instagram, it's only because there are only so many platforms I can dance in!


  8. Kat, I am so sorry I missed this post last week. There is too much going on here since I am a town over from the epicenter of Long Island that is only 30-40 miles from NYC. I have been worried since my son came home from work with pink eye. We spent 2weeks concerned and now he is no longer going to work (getting sick pay) and remains at home except for our neighborhood walks. Life is upside down here so your instapoems were just what I needed to read.


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