Poetry Month From the Sidelines

KatApel_WIP_2016I have been loving standing at the peripheries of America’s Poetry Month. I’m glad I didn’t commit to any goals/challenges, because I’ve been able to focus on my own writing (that troublesome verse novel) whilst being inspired and invigorated by all the chatter and love for poetry!

And the really wonderful thing is, that verse novel is gradually making sense, and finding it’s own rhythm again. So that I’m now sucked right back into it, and enjoying the process. Whereas there has previously been a lot of procrastination and avoidance.

Within an hour of this tweet, I had clarity on the next poem, and written another completely new poem. So America, you can celebrate Poetry Month EVERY month, and I’ll be cheering! 🙂

Bully on the Bus Study Notes PDFHere’s a little teaser from the WIP… ->

<- Also this week I posted a student’s study guide for ‘Bully on the Bus’, generously prepared and shared by Yr 4 class teacher, Glenys Rathjen.

Unrelated Tip: For a number of weeks now, I’ve noticed others in the Poetry Friday crew ‘liking’ comments I’ve made, and I’ve wished I could do that, too. And now I can! If you, like me, have been wanting a ‘Like’ button on your blog comments, simple instructions (for WordPress users) are here.

And that’s all from me this week! Enjoy the Poetry Friday buzz from many who are partaking in the Poetry Month of March. (Perhaps you are?) You can read all the inspiring posts collated by Laura at  Writing the World for Kids


  1. On the sidelines, but not sidelined; thank you for sharing your fist-pumping success. There’s much to be said about a fertile interim. The way you take inspiration and invigoration from knowing that other PF community members are stirring the pot with poetry wonders, I take, too, from that knowledge, and from having tv reality music shows playing “on demand” in the background while I noodle with various creative writings. In addition to loving listening to music, it’s heartening as I write to be appreciating that folks can make their creative dreams come true, and equally consoling that for some, dreams are moved along, but not yet fulfilled. (More motivational for me than listening to a “published” CD.) God bless you! Thank you for your encouraging post, since I’m on the sidelines, too, but without a specific project that has captivated my energy. Good for you! God bless you.

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  2. I’d love to chat with you about some of your strategies for writing verse novels. My poetry month project is kinda sorta turning into one, and I wonder how I might take what I’ve got and flesh it out. I’m just interested in your process.


    • Would love to chat more, Mary Lee. Phone or face-to-face would be delightful – but I suspect we’ll have to resort to interwebs… 😉 Not that I have a tried and true process, as such. I think the hardest thing is starting – and you’ve already done that!


  3. Excited for your verse novel… and for your progress! (which to me is the whole point of National Poetry Month… to immerse ourselves in poetry in whatever way works best!) Thank you for sharing… and KEEP GOING! xo

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