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Personally Autographed Book Orders

If you would like to order signed copies of Kathryn’s books, use the contact form below (not visible to the public) and include the following information;

•   Your name & email
•   Your postal address
•   The titles you wish to purchase
•   The number of copies of each title
•   Whose name(s) you would like in the book(s)

I will then email a quote/invoice which you can pay online using the secure PayPal service. You do NOT need to be signed up to PayPal to use this service. Postage varies depending on books and destination. Books will be shipped once payment notification is received from PayPal. Thank-you.

If you are connected to St Luke’s, Bundaberg, following my recent visit, please let me know. Books will be delivered to school following the school holidays. 🙂

You can read more about each book in the relevant ‘Books’ tab.