Egret Blossoms, Evening Chorus

I wrote this first haiku five years ago, but I find myself appreciating it anew this week – perhaps because school holidays means I have time to notice the egret tree blossoming?


And another evening oldie, this from 2012, in which I’m pleased to note, there is an element we’ve outgrown – and it’s not the magpies and plovers. 😉 


Dusk is perhaps my favourite time of day, when all the chickens (figuratively) and myriad other birds that share our paddock, come home to roost.

Catherine is collecting the Poetry Friday chickens (and links) this week at Reading to the Core. Thanks, Catherine.


  1. You make me want to invite myself over, Kat! I met a man yesterday who loves taking photographs of herons and egrets. He had an amazing series of photos of a heron trying to eat a snake (the snake got away at the last minute). The look on the heron’s face afterward was pretty disappointed, as you can imagine.


    • What a lovely comment, Tabatha. Invite away! My husband has a gorgeous turtle sequence on a branch protruding from the dam, as one by one they appear – then splash and disappear. But how amazing would those snake pics have been! Especially that last.


  2. A blossoming of egrets–stunning! How lucky you are to see such a wonder and then enhance it with your wonderful haiku so we can all appreciate it. Your evening chorus made me smile. It’s funny what we miss when our children leave home.


  3. Can I come over with Tabatha? ;0) Thanks for sharing these lovely haiku again – I would have hated to miss them! We have trees-full of egrets too, here on the Southeastern US coast. And I guess every place has rambunctious, bickering children…


  4. How did you know my boys are bickering in the dusk…..becomes my white noise sometimes when I’m outside gardening or sitting on the back step with a cup of something warm watching the day close down. I will miss my bickering boys someday. Maybe I will have to fly to a place to watch a tree blossom with egrets. Lovely words at the end of my Sunday.


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