March Madness Round One: Dotted

The March month of poetry Madness is well underway, over on Ed DeCaria’s ThinkKidThink blog. You  really should visit, read and vote, because it’s a heap of fun!  My Round One poem is now up – and the 36hr clock is ticking down…

My word was ‘dotted’ – and being the lower seeded poet (seeds are determined by degree of difficulty of the word) I knew I had to do something tricky to gain ground. I was hoping I wasn’t going too far out on a limb… (In fact, I had two poems I was tossing up between, and had to put it to a mini-in-house-vote to decide on an entry.) This morning I woke all anxious eagerness to read the poems, and I see that Carol, too has taken a risk with her poem. And done well! (I like risk-taking in poetry, but there always is that element of… risk!)

Click the picture to go direct to our poems.

So – what do you think? You’ll have to skip across to the melee of Madness, to find out. I’d love it if you vote for me – but seriously, you vote for the poem that you like best! (And while you’re there, check out all the other great battles, too. It’s fantastic. Well done, Ed!!!)

These links will help you navigate the Madness more easily.


Comments from readers are purrrrfect!